A busy 2021 kicks off for METO with the launch of a new podcast series which aims to explore some of the constructive approaches that improve the chances of achieving a WMD free-zone in the Middle East. Once every two weeks our guests, who are experts in their fields, will be asked about how to dodge the obstacles, how to build trust between countries and how to improve peace and security for people in the region. The interviews will be conducted by our director, Paul Ingram and our programme associate, Anahita Parsa.
The first podcast is an interview with our very own Sharon Dolev and Emad Kiyaei, founder directors of the Middle East Treaty Organization, about the initiative’s origins, their hopes for the region and the role of civil society in moving states of the region towards a zone free from all weapons of mass destruction.
Our podcasts will be available on our channels on SoundCloud, Spotify and YouTube, and also available on our podcasts page here.
If you have any questions about anything to do with our podcasts or any feedback, please contact us at media@wmd-free.me. Enjoy!

To Eradicate Weapons of Mass Destruction from the Middle East
In the first podcast in our series “In The Zone”, Anahita Parsa and Paul Ingram interview Sharon Dolev and Emad Kiyaei, founder directors of the Middle East Treaty Organization, about the initiative’s origins, their hopes for the region and the role of civil society in moving states of the region towards a zone free from all weapons of mass destruction.