In the fifth episode of In The Zone, published on March 8th 2021 to coincide with International Women’s Day, Anahita Parsa and Paul Ingram interview Renata Dwan, former head of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and current Senior Executive Officer of Chatham House in the UK. In this interview, Renata talks about the background to the UNIDIR Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone Project, the importance of all sides in the region reflecting on their own situation and the situations that others find themselves in as a result of conflict, and the increasingly important topic of the intersection of gender, and diversity of representation in general, with disarmament.
You can listen to it on SoundCloud, spotify and youtube, or in the podcast player below.

To Eradicate Weapons of Mass Destruction from the Middle East
In the fifth episode of In The Zone, published on March 8th 2021 to coincide with International Women’s Day, Anahita Parsa and Paul Ingram interview Renata Dwan, former head of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and current Senior Executive Officer of Chatham House in the UK. In this interview, Renata talks about the background to the UNIDIR Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone Project, the importance of all sides in the region reflecting on their own situation and the situations that others find themselves in as a result of conflict, and the increasingly important topic of the intersection of gender, and diversity of representation in general, with disarmament.