In The Zone – Episode 15 – Christina Kelly

In episode 15 of In The Zone, Anahita Parsa and Jacob Allard interview Christina Kelly from Youth for TPNW. In this interview, Christina talks about this new youth network, the importance of youth representation, the challenges that young people face to have their voices heard, how they can get involved, how organizations should attempt toContinue reading “In The Zone – Episode 15 – Christina Kelly”

Issue 2 – December 2021

A publication of the METO University Network Editorial by Tamyra Selvarajan The Middle East is jumping on the bandwagon of a renewable energy revolution. This is definitely a big turn for the region as most of the region relies heavily on fossil fuels for both income and energy. (Continued…)

UN Conference on a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East

On Tuesday, 23rd of November, Atomic Reporters, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, the International Physicians for the prevention of Nuclear War, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in New York and METO, hosted an online panel discussion on the upcoming second session of the November Conference at the UN on the subject of the Middle EastContinue reading “UN Conference on a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East”

Issue 1 – November 2021

A publication of the METO University Network Editorial by Lara Rendl The announcement to resume talks on Iran’s nuclear weapons programme and the economic sanctions resulting from it certainly marks a proper start for the first edition of The Bright Side, which we dedicate to sharing good news from the Middle East. Continued…

A regional organization for a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East

On Wednesday, 27th of October, the Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations and the Middle East Treaty Organization hosted a side event to the UN General Assembly First Committee meetings at which were presented key elements of the new Draft Treaty which has been produced this year after extensive rounds of meetings withContinue reading “A regional organization for a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East”