The USA is not an easy place to enter at the last minute if you’re a Middle Easterner. You can’t just decide one day that you’re going to go. There are interviews to go through, paperwork to submit, and waiting to be done. So when METO decided that it would be really useful to haveContinue reading “METO in New York”
Category Archives: News
UN Conference on a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East
On Tuesday, 23rd of November, Atomic Reporters, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, the International Physicians for the prevention of Nuclear War, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in New York and METO, hosted an online panel discussion on the upcoming second session of the November Conference at the UN on the subject of the Middle EastContinue reading “UN Conference on a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East”
The Bright Side
The Bright Side is the newly launched good news bulletin curated by the METO University Network. It was born as a response to the overwhelming presence of bad news surrounding the Middle East and North Africa in the western mainstream media, partly contributing to a false representation, and the stereotyping of the region as oneContinue reading “The Bright Side”
METO’s Summer Course on WMD Disarmament and Security in the Middle East
From August 10 to September 7, 2021, METO held its first summer course on WMD Disarmament and Security in the Middle East. The purpose of the course was: to familiarise participants with both the history of the issue and the current challenges in the field of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East andContinue reading “METO’s Summer Course on WMD Disarmament and Security in the Middle East”
A regional organization for a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East
On Wednesday, 27th of October, the Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations and the Middle East Treaty Organization hosted a side event to the UN General Assembly First Committee meetings at which were presented key elements of the new Draft Treaty which has been produced this year after extensive rounds of meetings withContinue reading “A regional organization for a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East”
(Re) imagining our world at the World Peace Congress in Barcelona
October 15-17th marked the Second World Peace Congress by the International Peace Bureau, hosted in Barcelona, Spain. It saw a community of over 2,000 activists, campaigners and NGOs joining together (both in person and virtually), to engage in a series of discussions and events surrounding this year’s theme: ‘(Re) imagine Our World’- Action for PeaceContinue reading “(Re) imagining our world at the World Peace Congress in Barcelona”
METO’s summer course – WMD Disarmament & Security in the Middle East
METO’s summer course will run from August 10 to September 2, 2021 and will provide students with a thorough understanding of weapons of mass destruction proliferation across the Middle East and North Africa region and efforts to strengthen international non-proliferation regimes. The course will be taught through a gender lens and with perspectives from theContinue reading “METO’s summer course – WMD Disarmament & Security in the Middle East”
METO University Network
METO is delighted to announce the launch of our University Network. METO UN is a network of Student Representatives from educational institutions all over the world who feel somehow connected to the importance of creating a WMD-free zone in the Middle East. Our students could be from the Zone, have family connections to it, orContinue reading “METO University Network”
METO marks TPNW entry into force on social media
As part of our busy start to the new year, METO has launched its new social media campaign to kick off 2021. Our new Instagram page was launched, joining our existing Twitter and Facebook pages, with an impressive steady increase in followers as attention was directed to our social media presence.
The Middle East: Is there light at the end of the Long Corridor?
Marc Finaud, Tony Robinson, and Mona Saleh[i] Recent developments in the Middle East and the arrival of the Biden administration offer unique opportunities to improve regional security. However, obstacles on the way to such progress have far from disappeared.