
The following is a list of articles in newspapers, magazines and journals related to our theme




Sharon Dolev, Leonardo Bandarra

June 2022

“One step closer” to eliminating WMD from the Middle East on the website of Reaching Critical Will

Sharon Dolev, Emad Kiyaei, Tony Robinson

December 2021

Pathways to a WMD-free zone in the Middle East in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Leonardo Bandarra and Sharon Dolev

November 2021

Believing in the impossible in Beyond Nuclear International

Linda Pentz Gunter

April 2021


Marc Finaud, Tony Robinson, Mona Saleh

February 2021

Non-proliferation and Regional Cooperation in the Middle East” in the Brown Journal of World Affairs

Emad Kiyaei, Tony Robinson, Sharon Dolev

January 2021

Sharon Dolev

June 2020

Emad Kiyaei and Seyed Hossein Mousavian

April 2020

Sharon Dolev, Emad Kiyaei, and Dina Saadallah

November 2019

Sharon Dolev, Paul Ingram & Emad Kiyaei

Autumn 2019

Tony Robinson and Álvaro Orús

May 2019